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Mark Gisbourne | Language and Art. What hope ‘ekphrastic’ writing today?

11.05.2023, 5 p.m.
Online lecture via Google Meet

The talk will address the issue of writing about art in an age that has seen the collapse of serious criticism. What is the status of the relationship between art and literature today, and can ekphrastic writing still be used to understand the embodied meaning of a works of art.

Mark Gisbourne,
Mark Gisbourne, Kurator aufgenommen im 15913 Gro§ Leuthen, Wasserschlo§

MARK GISBOURNE: April 3, Stratford-on-Avon, England (1948). Educated in Rome, and Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London. Post-Graduate Lecturer University of London, and Sotheby’s Institute, Masters Programmes (accreditation University of Manchester). Former President of AICA UK and World Vice President who co-organised the World Congress of the Association International des Critiques d’Art, at Tate Modern (2000). He is a curator of many international art exhibitions, including an extensive German Art since the 1960s exhibition Elective Affinties /Wahlverwandschaften, National Museum of Latvia in Riga, 2016. He has written museum publications, more that two hundred and fifty catalogue essays, and numerous press articles and reviews. Recent 2019-2023 art projects include an 500th anniversary homage exhibition by Lorenzo Puglisi in in Bramante’s Sacristy at Milan’s Santa Maria delle Grazie, alongside Leonardo’s Last Supper. and B.A.R.O.C.K., at Schloss Caputh, Potsdam, and ME Collection, Berlin. A historical overview of post-war Leipzig Painting, called The Leipzig Connection: Painting in Leipzig Since the Late 1960s, HDLU (Kunsthalle of the Association of Artists), Zagreb, Croatia. Short recent monographic essays, on artists include Tony Cragg, Adrian Ghenie, Uwe Hand, and an extended essay on Alexandru Radvan (2021). Together with Christoph Tannert (Director, Künstlerhaus Bethanien) Dissonance: Platform Germany, a large volume publication of painting in post-reunification Germany (2022). Currently workibg of an exhibition for Timisoara, European City of Culture, 2023..  

Mark Gisbourne

Monday, 8 May 2023

’The sealed studio’ talks

Cykl wykładów on-line inicjowanych i moderowanych przez Prof. Dominika Lejmana, kierownika II Pracowni Malarstwa zorganizowanych przez Wydział Malarstwa i Rysunku Uniwersytetu Artystycznego w Poznaniu pod opieką dziekana Wydziału Malarstwa dr hab. Tomasza Kalitki, przy wsparciu rektora uczelni, prof. dr hab. Wojciecha Hory.

Cykliczne wykłady on-line zadedykowane są przybliżeniu myśli krytycznej najbardziej znaczących, współczesnych teoretyków, krytyków sztuki, kuratorów i artystów. Zainicjowane w czasie pandemicznego odosobnienia, kiedy wymuszony dystans fizyczny, przy wypracowaniu nowego narzędzia, stworzył szansę zbliżenia wymiany myśli na międzynarodowym forum. Nie rezygnujemy z tej możliwości, na trwałe wpisującej się w nową formułę edukacyjną uczelni.

Dominik Lejman 2023

’The sealed studio’ talks

The series of talks initiated and moderated by prof. dr hab. Dominik Lejman, II studio painting course director organized by Faculty of Painting and Drawing, University of Arts in Poznań, with support of Dr hab. Tomasz Kailitko, the dean of the Faculty of Painting and Drawing, with support of the rector, prof. dr hab. Wojciech Hora

The series of on-line lectures is dedicated to encounter with the critical thought of the most renowned contemporary theoreticians, art critics, curators and artists. Initiated at the time of the pandemic solitary confinement, when the forced physical distance encouraged the new tools of communication, which created the chance of greater proximity in exchange of ideas on the international forum. We are conitinuing this opportunity, premanently consistent with the new educational formula of the university.

Dominik Lejman 2023

Yehuda Safran The Object is the Poetics

Ulrich Loock Painting against Spectacle. Notes on the Work of Katharina Grosse

David Elliott Between Pain and Desire. What makes exhibitions of contemporary art significant?

Drew Hammond Metonymic Narrative in Contemporary art

Warren Neidich Indeterminacy, Art and the Brain Without Organs

Koan Jeff Baysa in dialogue with Donald Kunze Swooning over Art” – An M.D. and a Ph.D. chase down some rabbit holes

Mário Caeiro Urban apparitions: art in the city and the luminous aphorism

Brainard Carrey

Mark Gisbourne

  • Autor: Piotr Grzywacz
  • Opublikowano: 05.05.2023, 13:54
  • Ostatnia edycja: 10.05.2023, 10:35